Articles on: Virtual Private Servers & Dedicated Servers

How to assign a new IP address to your Windows server

Before proceeding, please make sure to purchase an additional IP on your VoltHosting server.

Sometimes when adding an extra IP address to Windows, the VPS management software might be unable to automatically configure your network adaptor settings due to various reasons. This guide will walk you through manually adding an additional IP address to your network adaptor.

Connect to your windows server via RDP or VNC. If you're unsure how to, take a look at the Logging Into Your Windows VPS guide.

Once logged in, locate the network icon on the bottom right hand side of your task bar. Right click the icon, and click Open network & internet settings.

Once loaded up, click on Change Adaptor Options.

Right click on your ethernet adaptor, and then click properties.

This will load up the properties window. In the middle of the page, you will see multiple different options. We are looking for the `Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option. Click on it so it is selected, and click on the Properties button.

A dialogue will appear showing various IP settings. Under the general settings, select Use the following IP address.
Then, you need to fill out the three boxes:
IP Address: Set this to the primary IP address of your server
Subnet Mask: Leave this and it will automatically propagate. Usually this is for most use cases.
Default Gateway: Set this to the default gateway for your server. This is usually the first IP address in the range (such as If you're unsure on this value, please get in touch with our support team.

Then, under use the following DNS server addresses, we need to set the DNS server you want to use. It doesn't matter which DNS service you use, some common ones are listed below:
Cloudflare: &
Google: &

The finished dialogue window will look similar to the screenshot below.

Now to add the additional IP address. Click on Advanced on the same dialogue.

Under IP Settings -> IP Addresses press Add.

Then enter in the additional IP address you have been allocated then click Add. You can repeat this multiple times if you have more than one additional IP addresses.

Click through the menus clicking Ok on each menu to save the changes. Your connection to your RDP session may momentarily freeze while the changes are applied. This is normal, wait for the session to come back.

The additional IP(s) have been added! You can check this by opening command prompt and running ipconfig.

If it is successful, you will see all your IPs on the output from this command, as highlighted.

That's it! Your IP addresses have been added! If you get stuck, or need support, please reach out to our support team!

Updated on: 08/12/2024

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